Week 105 – Appliances

We have been in India for the past few weeks so it was fun to see all the progress made while out of the country.

We arrived today to find the driveway pour started.


After navigating around pour, we found all the steel planters installed in the auto-court.

The front door hardware has been installed.


The wallpaper has been applied in the powder room.

Kitchen appliances have been installed with the exception of the stove which is currently lost in transit somewhere.


Mirrors have been installed in the bathrooms.


The outdoor kitchen appliances have also been installed.


Things are progressing nicely and we will hopefully be moving soon.

Week 103 – Into the Home Stretch

We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel at least for the interior. Cleanup has started in prep to finish both the concrete and hardwood floors.

The fireplace hearth was poured.


We also have our permanent electric meter installed and the solar will be hooked in shortly so we can start getting credit from the panels.


The guest bath tile is finished and will be grouted early next week.


The cork floor was also installed the kitchen but is currently covered so no picture of that yet.

Next week, the driveway will hopefully get started as well as the installation of the steel planters in the auto-court.

Week 102 – Auto court paving done

The rain and drizzle held off long enough to get the paving in the auto-court finished.


It was also finally dry enough to get the granite slabs installed over the outdoor kitchen.


The tile in the guest room finally arrived and work has resumed.


Lots of other little details are being finished up like door hardware, closet rods, towel holders, etc. I’m actually starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.